There are few records in the lamentable catalogue of war that are so deadly as 1914-1945. And indeed, had the indomitable soldiers of our country failed in their task, we shudder to imagine what language we’d be presently speaking, what insignia would be stitched to our coats, and what leader we would have to hail. It’s not unthinkable to conclude that without our veterans’ heroic fight in the war, we should be singing forced praises with ambrosial words to a party perverted with their production of human suffering.
That’s why we will never forget the devotion of our heroic sailors that guarded the Atlantic with their corvettes and hunted the hunters under the surface. Nor will we betray the sacrifice of the infantrymen who stormed beaches and fought valiantly at the Somme by becoming apathetic to their memory. And to every tanker, warrior, commander, and soldier, who was sent forth into inhospitable and inhuman lands ravaged by the hurricane of death and destruction, the dire deeds they accomplished will not be in vain.
Our whole country felt daily anxiety after its citizens realized the severity and horror of war. It was no longer a romantic painting of Napoleon on a rearing horse or Sir Issac Brock commending “push on” as he fell in a dramatized portrait of the Battle of Queenstown Heights.
War was bloody and brutal, and words are insufficient to describe the terror of battles like Passchendaele and the Defence of Hong Kong. But even in this, our troops were so highly regarded on the battlefield that David Lloyd George said, “The Canadians played a part of such distinction that thenceforward they were marked out as storm troops; for the remainder of the war they were brought along to head the assault in one great battle after another. Whenever the Germans found the Canadian Corps coming into the line they prepared for the worst.”*
As they reclaimed Europe, our soldiers “blasted the viper from his nest.”** The snake was destroyed. This metaphor is made all the more explicit when we realize the snake is the historical enemy of God’s chosen nation, the Jews. When Herr Hitler contemptibly, full of wickedness and evil, challenged God’s promise to preserve the Hebrews forever and save the whole of Israel, he put the Scriptures to the test.
Suppose the Nazi tyranny succeeded and published death to that poor and persecuted people. With what logic could we say that God reigns supreme? With what confidence could we appeal to his commands and laws for our foundation of morality? For if the light of the Jewish race should’ve been extinguished by the snake that has hated them since Adam, God would be a liar, His Word, fallible, and His existence, a disgrace.
But God’s people were not wiped off the face of the Earth. The prophecy of the Scriptures was unconquered, and no matter how vicious and brutal the attempt to destroy them was, the beast failed. And not only failed, but prophecies were fulfilled as the Jews returned to their home! In this, Canadian veterans have the privilege of saying, “Christ called me to preserve the promise and prophecy of the Eternal, Alpha, Unchallenged, Majesty on High.”
Granted, we earnestly wish to say that because these soldiers sacrificed their lives, we live in peace, but not so. We wish we could say that “after their years of dedicated and selfless service, freedom is our country’s, forever.” But that is not the nature of fallen man. Canada is falling into the trap that so many years ago, our ancestors battled to destroy.
Yet, we will not waver in vigilance. There was little point in the soldiers' service if freedom, justice, and law, do not rule.
We must not forget what lurks in Ottawa. Passports, restrictions, rights granted on obedience, and a government that’s backing us against a wall, all while they lay the wreath on the tomb of the unnamed. Federal and Provincial powers directly harass us.
But are we going to surrender? Never. We move, “Forward, unflinching, unswerving, indomitable”*` until what the soldiers purchased in blood is received by their grandchildren without fear of having to fight again, for war is “A dreadful thing.”*``
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**, *` See Winston Churchill, Forward, Till The Whole Task Is Done here: